Friday, April 20, 2007

Get Paid To Duplicate My Business!

Some of the best kept secrets are no secrets at all. They are just simple concepts that the average person does not think about. For example, do you have any idea how much money you would have if you doubled one penny every month for the next 20 months? Probably not. Here's the answer so that you don't have to get out a spreadsheet to figure it out:

In just another four months, you would have:

This is an example of the power of duplication that most people don't think about when they starta a business. Your opportunity to be financially independent and rich (two different things) is right here. Global Domains International (GDI) is offering this opportunity to anyone who wants to grab a share of the Internet and prosper. That is how I am able to give you this direct link to start duplicating my business. The more times you do it, the closer you will be to putting ONE MILLION DOLLARS (or anything in between) in your bank account!

Please visit the following web address and sign in at no cost or obligation to you. Try this offer for 7 days without paying a cent. Who knows? You might be one of those smart people who will never have to pay the monthly membership fee of $10.

Get just 10 people to join GDI and you will be paid $1.00 each. This is where the fun starts. If any of these 10 new members gets happy and signs up two people, you will receive $3. If these 3 new people signed up two people, you would receive $6, then $12, then $24, then $48, then $96 and so on. AND THAT'S IF ONLY ONE OF YOUR TEN MEMBERS SAW THE LIGHT!

The really neat thing about this business model is that you won't have to build your business alone. Not a chance. For every five levels your business creates, I will add five new people---FREE with no strings attached! That's because I want to see you get to the top. When you reach your $1,000,000, I will get paid 10%, and I'll be happy to take it.

Click on the link below to get more details on this great opportunity:

Good luck!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Is Your Exercise Fact or Fiction?

I watch people running and walking on the roadsides in their communities. It used to amaze me that so many people have it wrong. I stopped being amazed nearly ten years ago. I remember stopping to talk to a man who was doing some calisthenics after a run. He seemed to be having difficulty finding the correct extension for stretching the hamstring. I showed him how to prop his leg up on the back of a nearby park bench instead of the waste receptacle he was using.I thought I would ask if he had ever worked with a trainer or read a book on exercise.

I wasn't surprised by his response."Any fool can get out and walk," he said. "It doesn't take a whole lot of studying."

The man was partly right, but not correct enough to prevent some serious problems down the road.

There are literally thousands of people on the roads of their towns who apparently want to be in better health but don't have a clue. On our website, Vitality Peaks, we point out that exercise can be damaging to the body if not done correctly. Think of it as driving your car all over town in first gear or with your brake shoes dragging against the discs.

Some people seem to understand the importance of wearing good walking shoes, rather than ordinary street shoes. That's a start. Most of the problem seems to be the manner in which the uninformed person walks or runs. Since there are so many physiques that respond to exercise in different ways, the technique for exercise has to be personalized.

If I am caught sauntering down the street, it does not mean you can do it without harming your joints or spine. We are all different to some degree, and it's important to know why. For details about how to exercise and for how long, please see our newest page on that subject at the site shown below:

Here's to your health!
